What I Learned This Year 2011 #26: Meredith Vaughan

By / / This year was an interesting one for VJ. Sometimes it was absolutely great and sometimes it really, really sucked. We had some high highs, and a few low lows. It was a year that saw more change than we have ever had in our 41-year history. We were finalists in a huge national pitch, and then lost just at the very end. But, on the flip side, we were finalists in a huge national pitch. We made departmental changes, personnel changes, office changes, technology changes, philosophy changes and changes to how we make changes. However, it all turned out to make for a pretty great, and in my eyes, successful year. Through it all, I took away a few thoughts from 2011—some of which will guide me forever moving forward, some of which I will forget shortly after this is published, some of which are completely worthless but still true, and some of which are total crap but I like the way they sound. I learned in 2011 that karma is a bitch. And sometimes so am I. I learned that I have even less patience than I thought—which many people didn’t think was possible. I learned that trusting the people around me really is the right thing to do. They are amazing. I learned that it’s critical to respect where you’ve been because it will likely have a big impact on where you are going. I learned that sometimes it feels really good to really hate someone. A lot. I learned that it also feels really good to really like someone a lot. And it generally feels better than hating someone. I learned that I make stupid decisions sometimes. I learned that the passion that I feel for my team, this business and the industry is critical to our ongoing success. I learned that I’m more interested in what we are going to do next than what we’ve done so far. I learned that you have to make time to lead, no matter how natural a leader you are. I learned that people generally want to do the right thing. I learned that change really does scare the hell out of people. I learned that each year is going to look completely different than the prior year, at least for the foreseeable future. I learned that saying no is sometimes much more effective than saying yes.


  1. VJgirl December 23, 2011

    Thanks for letting us live
    Thanks for letting us live through this year with you, MV. I can think of at least one example (and usually a dozen) for every “learnin'” you list. Let’s go kick some ass in 2012.

  2. Jennifer H December 24, 2011

    Great thoughts Meredith. I’m
    Great thoughts Meredith. I’m glad I got to collaborate with Vladimir Jones this year. Here’s to karma, and what’s next.

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