Seinfeld Can Take the Piss All He Likes But Advertising Really Does Matter

By The Denver Egotist / /

Jerry Seinfeld is not afraid to bite the hand that feeds him. Accepting a non-specific Clio — probably awarded to ensure he’d turn up — he laid into the ad industry. He touched on those raw nerves that get exposed when we’re at our lowest ebb, at our most cynical. But I’m sorry, you’re only allowed to be that searing in your indictment if you’re one of us — actually in the industry, rather than just taking its dollar once in a while.

Irony, satire, tongue in cheek. I get it. He’s a comedian; he tells jokes for a very good living.

Much of it was true and much of it was funny because it’s true — hell yeah, we all feel we deserve an award for our efforts even if only 30 or so people leave the room with a statuette.

Often’s the time we can laugh at ourselves in retrospect, the sleepless nights over casting or typefaces or strategy. Looking back, it can seem so trivial and inconsequential. But there’s a reason we worry, fret and work our arses off. When all is said and done, advertising does matter — in many ways.

So just in case Jerry’s words have triggered some existential crisis in you, here are just some of those ways.

1. It feeds my family.
It’s the one source of income for my household and if Jerry wants to sneer at the way I put food on my table, I’m not laughing. It may not be as glamorous as being a billionaire comedian or movie star but I work hard and I provide. I’m almost certain my family appreciates this…

2. Clients need us.
Oh how they need us. Imagine a world where clients are left to advertise for themselves. The horror! We’d never get past Guinness Is Good For You. Barry Scott would be held up as the absolute pinnacle.


Agencies have the power to make their clients look good (and if they don’t, the next incumbent can have a go). This isn’t easy. There’s a reason clients outsource.

3. People rely on us.
You can argue about the damage rampant consumerism is wreaking on the planet but marketing undeniably drives sales (people wouldn’t waste their money on it if it didn’t). Sales equals employment. Outside this advertising bubble, other folks have to put food on the table too. Indirectly, those late nights, those leaps of creativity, that 8th draft body copy can have a positive effect.

4. Satellite industries need us.
I’m not taking about Inmarsat, I mean all the attendant industries that surround advertising: illustration, animation, photography, music, model making, coding, lighting, catering even — a big chunk of all these groups rely on the ad industry.

5. Good causes need us.
Let’s hear it for the chuggers and the retired folks rattling tins outside Tesco’s, but occasionally adland gets to take a karma holiday and we do valuable work for charity. Emotive, persuasive marketing campaigns that succeed in coaxing donations out of people for no material reward. No easy task.

“I accidentally cut my grapefruit on the wrong axis.”“I accidentally cut my grapefruit on the wrong axis.”

6. We should be proud.
The level of craft on show in the best work can put other media to shame, sitcoms included. Not just craft, pride. We want any piece of work with our name on it to be as good as it can be. It takes just as long to produce a turkey as it does to make a timeless classic, so we knuckle down and try to make this one ‘the one’.

7. We do all deserve an award.
With the slings and arrows of outrageous client feedback, iffy planning and slack account handlers, we still manage to squeeze something of merit out into the public domain. Sometimes nobody hates it.

8. The public sometimes likes what we do.
Meerkats, Perfect Day, Sony Balls, Elf Yourself, the Gold Blend couple, Johnny Vegas and Monkey — all things the world of advertising have given the outside world. At its best, advertising can capture or set the mood of the nation. Meet The Superhumans set the tone for the Paralympic Games that followed. It’s all sales messaging, sure, but our skill is in elevating it into something more.

If I’m honest, no piece of mine has made a lasting impact on the fabric of society. And for many of us, that’s still the motivation — to create one last work of noble note.

Fear not. It is a worthwhile pursuit. It does make a difference. What we do works. What starts in your head will be seen, heard and felt by millions through the course of your career. It matters.

Keep going.

Cross-posted from The London Egotist.


  1. Anonymous October 15, 2014

    Superficial, generic and
    Superficial, generic and poorly argued. “It feeds my family” – surely feeding your family by utilizing your particular skill set to (mostly) help companies sell stuff (oftentimes not including much if any sense of morality in choice of clients) is one job or career option of many. You could apply your skills to something more noble than selling stuff for other companies, something that would have a more broadly positive impact on the world (see your point #5), and which would also provide for you and your family. “Clients need us” – can you not see the utter lack of logic in this point? The existence of a need does not justify or support any intrinsic value in performing a service aimed at that need. “People rely on us” and “Satellite industries need us” – similar to previous point in its lack of logic. Example, you’re excited your agency has scored the big Burger King deal – you’re now helping support minimum wage employment based on production and sales of low quality food that has an incisively negative impact on our community – basic health first and foremost. I acknowledge this is an easy target far to one side of the client spectrum, but I think it helps illustrate the point. And, illustration, animation, photography, music, model making, coding, lighting et al. would all still exist and thrive without advertising. “Good causes need us” – see my first point. Why not quit your ad agency job and go work for a non-profit whose cause support? Why not start an agency focused solely on this kind of content, and this kind of client? What percentage of labor hours, overall clients, and revenue from this type of client comprise your annual firm total? “We should be proud” – see previous point and first point. Also, superb craftmanship – across a huge number and variety of industries – thrives around the world. This is nothing unique to advertising or a valid argument for where this craftmanship is aimed – oftentimes indiscriminately selling stuff for companies. “We all do deserve an award” – same point yet again – you can apply this to any industry. Inside advertising and everywhere beyond it, everyone deals with outrageous client feedback, iffy planning and slack account handlers or similar analogues to other industries. “The public sometimes likes what we do” – given the large soapbox advertising has as a platform for messaging into the world at large, this is not something I would highlight as an accomplishment or an argument for the existence of advertising. Many other fields do the same thing in a better way, with more positive messages, with less money, and with the same work ethic. If you’re going to react to outsider criticism of your field, and attempt a defense, please do so with candid pith and much more carefully considered thoughts.

  2. Reaction October 16, 2014

    A friend of mine wrote this
    A friend of mine wrote this piece, and I know he pulled a few punches here for the sake of his role as the ad guide. But he says a lot of the same things anonymous above does. Basically, the arguments given by the author of the LE piece are awful.

  3. Anonymous October 16, 2014

    Someone in the ad world got
    Someone in the ad world got their feelings hurt…

    “But I’m sorry, you’re only allowed to be that searing in your indictment if you’re one of us — actually in the industry,…”

    So by this argument,

    you can’t be super critical of government/politics unless you have a job in government.

    You can’t be overly critical of law enforcement unless you work in law enforcement.

    You can’t criticize health insurance companies unless you have a job in the medical field.

    And on and on…

    Good to know.

  4. Schreince October 28, 2014

    Weak argument. Advertising
    Weak argument. Advertising is around for one reason- money.
    Seinfeld put it lightly, if you really want to get your panties in a twist listen to comedian Bill Hicks talk about advertising.

  5. brandgineering December 8, 2014

    Sweeping and not necessarily
    Sweeping and not necessarily true.

    Some agencies are purely “creative” agencies raping their customers and consumers. They really sell very little, because the big agency revolving door doesn’t encourage results; except to get awards for themselves. Commercials and a lot of the “creative” done on Madison Avenue empty the pockets of the big corporations that, generally, are so fouled up internally that their big agency gives them false comfort and little else.

    I had one agency exec in NYC lecture me on how great they did raising brand awareness. I challenged him to show me any ROI or what part a particular stunt they did resulted in higher profits; speculating the blip in sales for 3 days didn’t even cover their seven figure fee for that campaign. That is called creativity!

    Others in advertising are actually involved deeply with their brands creating a lot of value other than producing a cliche´ brochure or video. I’ve grabbed my client’s products and actually sold them. I am more concerned with their success than with a paycheck and will stop them from doing creative they want if I know it will not benefit them. There are many things we do that get results that have little to do with “creative.” Ever drive 750 miles to spend the day with one of your clients customers to give those people encouragement when something really hit the fan and help out? Not advertising you say? Well, it helped motivate their large sales force to sell more product. The boost in their attitude helped with sales. Whoda thunk? Not one brochure printed! No TV commercial.

    I rip on creative agencies all the time, but not with the ill conceived humor of Seinfeld. I’ll admit, I will stir the pot. Some of the things I see done in the name of advertising would never motivate me to buy. I wonder if some creatives really have ever been in an office sitting across from someone selling, to know what makes people buy a product. Few, I would imagine. And, it is not award winning creative. We did one direct mail campaign that looked like crap, would have never won a creative award but got a 90% response. I guess I figure, finding really unique ways to market something, increase my client’s revenue by 200% is more important that awards banquets.

    I think their are plenty of agencies that provide value and I have taken over a number of accounts that shocked me when I dug into what had been done. I don’t think that is an indictment of the ad business, I just think it is poor business all together. Ethics and values need be kept regardless of the industry.

    One of my degrees is in Cinema and I spent almost 10 years as an executive at a major broadcast network. I can easily joke about the seedy underbelly of Hollywood. How guys like Seinfeld ripped us off with phoned-in humor or performances. Every industry has a down side. Most of the jokes were poorly written or forced. I guess, another day of Jerry phoning it in. Oh well, off the soap box. I’m tired and tired of correcting what autocorrect has corrected.

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