Business Intelligence Platform


Member Since: 12/28/2022

What is Business Intelligence and Why is it So Important? Technological developments provide various conveniences for business people. By making good use of existing technology, it can make it easier for entrepreneurs to manage their business. One technology that is useful for entrepreneurs is Business Intelligence (BI). Business Intelligence or which is Indonesian for Business Intelligence is a system, application, and technology that is used to collect data from various sources, processed and displayed in the form of information in the form of comprehensive and accurate conclusions. Data is the most important element in Business Intelligence. At the company level, the data used for BI is usually sourced from databases that can accommodate very large data or also known as data warehouses. These conclusions can be used to measure, analyze and monitor operations within an agency or company which will assist management in making decisions to be more effective and efficient. Using BI can assist entrepreneurs in obtaining information related to the running of a business which will later be useful in making decisions, making it easier to find problematic parts of the business such as decreased performance in certain divisions, measuring company performance, providing data related to business performance such as the number of products sold. BI is very helpful for management in monitoring or supervising companies, because BI provides information, both historical and the latest data. Through the data generated by BI, management can plan ahead and make more profitable decisions for the company. Some of the reasons why it is necessary to build Business Intelligence are as follows: Identify the level of achievement of the company The use of BI supports companies to achieve their strategic vision by aligning all levels to focus on activities directly related to the strategic vision. Monitoring company performance and identifying problems BI provides performance-related companies at various levels. Using BI, we get information about performance issues within the company. Dig deeper into existing data sources The data they have fails to be utilized properly by many companies, while BI provides all strategic operational data and performance metrics that are useful for improving the quality of decision making which improves the quality of company performance. Business Intelligence is a very important element in today's business world and also in the future. Without BI, companies will experience difficulties in identifying problems that occur and it is also difficult to measure company performance. If the poor performance cannot be detected, it will be difficult to fix it, which will end up hurting the company and making it more difficult to win market share even though the business strategy is good. Business Intelligence continues to develop along with business developments and is supported by ever-advancing technology and of course must be supported by good resources.